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Professional Web Designer | Benefits of hiring web designer

Written by Anusuya | August 8, 2019 2:17:00 PM Z

Professional Web Designer

Why rope in a professional web designer? This is a very common question and a fairly understandable one at that. Why should one bring in a professional web designer? What can a total stranger do for me that I, the person who has been with the company for so many years, cannot do? Why additional expenses, when I can take care of the website development myself?

Let’s leap back two decades or so. The world of the internet was very different in those days. For starters, traditional marketing was the norm. People made phone calls, put up life-size banners and billboards and gave away flyers to sell their products and services. And then digital marketing became the new thing. People slowly started paying attention to it. The problem was, most companies did not even have websites. Nor was it the habit for prospects to look online for shopping.

As the businesses started to realize the importance of digital marketing, website development became a priority. It wasn’t the necessity that it is today, but companies decided to take the plunge. The next issue was, there weren’t enough experts in the company to take charge of the project. Customers searched for what they needed online. The yellow pages became history.

Thus, it was considered to be vital to bring in a professional web designer. It was a fact that most entrepreneurs were not qualified to build one. Website development was a humongous project. It was considered to be a luxury.

And then, website development became the norm. The first thing companies do today is to create a website. Even before the product has been designed entirely and ready for production, the strategy for the website has begun. Working on them simultaneously is now prudent, as websites when carefully strategized can rank well on the search engine and bring in traffic.

Website without visitors is like a ship lost in the horizon.

Lots of software are available, making it easy for individuals without a background in this tech to build a website. It was just a question of filling up templates and uploading it. After a point, that did not sell. The reason being, everyone now had a website. The basics were all there. Customers were no longer impressed with just words.

What was needed was that magic touch. A website that kindled emotions and provoked thoughts. A website that stayed in the minds of the visitors because of its design and impact. A website that spoke to the people as opposed to just narrate something monotonously.

No matter how much one knows about the company, the touch that is given by a professional web designer remains unparalleled. A web designer knows how to tug at the heartstrings of the visitor, bring them to the platform, engage with them and finally convert them into a customer. A website is not an expense, but an investment that continues to bring in its money’s worth for years to come. A high-quality website requires little maintenance.

While website development is a science, web designing is an art. Bring the two together and create something beautiful.

What can a web designer do during the process of website development? 

  • We can translate your message in a language that prospects would understand
  • We work with different elements to make a very normal idea sound extraordinary
  • We help you with SEO and other promotional activities
  • We manage the hosting and regular updates
  • We take care of the security of the website
  • Overall, we provide you with a comprehensive solution that caters to all the digital marketing needs of your company with respect to the website

Web design is not just about creating pretty layouts. It’s about understanding the marketing challenge behind your business.

It’s not enough just building a website. The journey of your company must show it. It must be alive.

Rope in a professional web designer and see the difference it makes to your brand awareness and lead generation. The fact that you have read all this shows that you are curious about what a web designer could do for you.

Why don’t you give us a call? Let’s talk about how your ideas can be communicated to the right audience in the correct language?