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5 Secrets To Google Adwords Success

Making the most of Google Adwords starts with focusing on your advertising goals and marketing objectives. Set realistic goals that you would get for each of these campaigns, allocate budgets for campaigns, and understand your audience before you get started. 

Did you know that Google is expected to make up 24.6% of the digital advertising market by 2024? Regardless of which industry you cater to, understanding Adwords helps improve your knowledge, implement different techniques, and amplify your revenue. However, did you know that many marketing professionals do not use Adwords to their full potential? Here are five tips to ensure Google Adwords success. 

1. Set Up Conversion Tracking

Setting up conversion tracking during the initial stage is essential as it gives marketers a clear picture of how many clicks change to leads. Conversion tracking helps you understand which keywords, landing pages, and ads perform best. Most importantly, users will get a clear picture of the ones that bring in customers who are actually interested in taking the next step after selecting the website. Website visitors who call or submit a contact form are the ones who will ensure a successful Adwords campaign with improved sales. Without conversion tracking, you will only run a campaign focused on getting clicks. 

2. Avoid Short-tail Keywords and Add Negative Keywords

Short-tail keywords steal away impressions from longer, higher converting, and more specified keywords. It helps you match an appropriate keyword, optimise your ads, search terms, and keywords. Using negative keywords is a sure-shot way to get the best match. This is because negative keywords prevent your ad from being shown when a user searches for a specific phrase or keyword. As users are less likely to click on ads appearing in the first few results, using negative keywords will help. Most importantly, it is recommended to add negative keywords at the start of the campaign as it increases ad impressions' relevancy. 

3. Optimise for Sales and Not Conversions

A key secret to running successful campaigns, including Adwords PPC campaigns, is the focus on sales and not conversions. Start by testing multiple placements and keywords to improve your sales rate rather than the conversion rate. Employ Google's value track parameters, a type of URL parameter, to the ad's landing page. Look for keywords that bring the most money and bid aggressively on them. Continue analysing your data to further optimise your campaign. Use every bit of data, such as devices used, geographical location, and demographics, to narrow down the best-performing audience. This will empower you to create more powerful ads and cater to them, ensuring the best results. 

4. Targeted Keywords for Ads

Once you have set up Adword campaigns, you need to infuse the right keywords. Remember, a successful ad group needs to have 5-25 keywords. However, with the new algorithm change in March 2024, you need to stick to a lower count for optimal ranking. Select keywords that are targeted, as it helps establish a successful Adwords account. There are four key ways to target your keywords/match types. Enter a keyword or phrase, and your ad will appear for that specific term that Google thinks is relatable. This is known as the broad match method, and an example is "swimwear in London." 

Another method uses the broad match modifier by adding a plus sign to tell Google about the important keywords to include in the search query. The phrase match method involves using quotation marks to inform Google that an entire phrase should be included in the search query. The fourth method is an exact match, where marketers can use brackets to tell Google that the search query should be an exact match of this phrase or keyword. Broad refers to the broadly searched term that triggers your ad. Avoid using related or similar keywords, as they may negatively impact your ad performance. Also, focusing on single keyword ad groups helps PPC marketers stay in control and improve the click-through rate by a significant margin. 

5. Avoid Duplicate Keywords and Optimise the Landing Page

Duplicate keywords will ruin your entire Adwords account as they create account pollution. They clutter and divide the performance metrics with no control over the search queries. For instance, if you lower the CPC bid on one of these duplicate keywords, Google Adwords will allocate traffic to the wrong duplicate due to a higher bid. Therefore, removing overlay or duplicate keywords in your account is recommended for the best performance.

The core purpose of advertising on AdWords is to attract more users to your landing page. Optimising your landing page helps you receive more conversions. It is vital to spend more time on your landing page than on the Adwords account for the best results. 

Success Stories of Leading Brands

Here are three success stories of renowned brands who have harnessed the power of Google Adwords to ensure success.

Glossier's improved reach

A direct-to-consumer beauty brand catering to GenZ, Glossier, uses Google Search Ads and Adwords to structure its campaigns and segment its sub-brands into groups. Their successful campaign structure and good keyword placement enabled them to reach their target audience and drive significant results. 

ForRent.com: Increased traffic 

ForRent.com is a leading online apartment rental listing service that uses Google Ads and Adwords to boost its online presence and increase traffic. They used the dynamic search ads feature and optimised for sales, resulting in improved click-through rates and decreased CPA and 22% of leads generated through Adwords for their website. 

How ORRA increased leads with Google Ads

One of India's most prestigious jewellery retail chains, ORRA, faced challenges due to media fragmentation and widening its reach. They used Google Ads to customise regional creatives, tested campaigns on Google Display Network, and targeted customers on sites that matched their interests, thereby boosting sales and conversions. ORRA optimised its landing page and used Adwords to boost conversions, resulting in a 15% increase in in-store visits.

Ensure Adwords Success with Vajra Global

With over eight years of experience in digital marketing, Vajra Global is a leading MarTech company with a team of experienced and skilled professionals who are here to help you optimise your Google Adword campaigns and ensure success. Our experts understand PPC visitor intent and focus on earnings per click to improve conversions in the best possible way. Instead of spending too many resources and man-hours in implementing all the attributes that lead to a successful Google Adwords campaign, you can reach out to us for a comprehensive solution that encompasses all your business goals and marketing objectives.